Caillean's Ramblings

28 August 2008


Filed under: politics — Elizabeth @ 23:56
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I just watched Barak Obama’s acceptance speech. I’m impressed. Up til this point, he hasn’t impressed me, but after tonight, I’m beginning to think that maybe, just maybe, he can pull off the change he speaks of. Perhaps, just perhaps, if (no, when) Mr. Obama becomes president, there will be an administration in place who’s ideals are not completely foreign to my own, and who actually has the good of the common man and the country in mind. Perhaps, just perhaps, we aren’t completely fucked.

Up until tonight, my cynicism had thoroughly gotten the better of me; having spent the vast majority of my adult life in Massachusetts — one of the most corrupt states in the country — it’s hardly surprising. Until tonight, I was convinced Mr. Obama was just another pie-in-the-sky dreamer, spouting pretty words, hopes and dreams, with no realistic idea of how to make them reality nor any grasp of the work and struggle needed to do so. After tonight’s speech, I’m far more confident he understands how enormous a task it will be to accomplish even a fraction of the change he desires to bring to our country. Tonight, as he annihilated McCain with his own words, he finally seemed to have grown into the office he’ll be elected to in November. I finally felt like I was watching a great leader, the likes of which I’ve never seen (alive) in American politics.

I’m hopeful. I’m actually hopeful about the future of this country and our leadership. I haven’t been hopeful about either in a very very long time. I had given up. I was convinced there was no good fight left to fight. After tonight, I’m not quite so sure that’s true, and it feels good.

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